「与其赞叹美丽的星空,不如成为太阳照耀他人。」传奇球评Peter Drury传奇的职业生涯
2024-02-19 来源: 八一体育 点击
Wreathed in red. Restored to this great gallery of the game. A walking work of art. Vintage. Beyond valuation, beyond forgery or imitation. 18 years since that trembling teenager of touch and tease first tiptoed onto this storied stage. Now in his immaculate maturity. CR7 reunited.
上一篇:「与其赞叹美丽的星空,不如成为太阳 | 下一篇:利物浦定拜仁?沙比阿朗素2拣1 |
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