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2024-04-07  来源: 八一体育   点击


I won't lie, the atmosphere at the British events is nowhere near as exciting as playing at a beautiful clay court club in front of spectators in a sunny European destination. However, I enjoy playing in the UK because it means I don't have to travel very far, and I don't have to arrive too early on-site to prepare for the event. As soon as the tournament is finished I can head home on the same day and stay there between events, and I love spending time at home so there is a 'win-win' feeling at the end of the tournament even if my results aren't great. Nottingham is a two-hour drive from my hometown Stevenage, so my parents have been able to drive to watch my matches when they have time. I've mentioned before that traveling is one of the toughest parts of being a tennis player, and therefore I will always choose to play in the UK over somewhere only reachable by plane.


I don't believe that my level in the first week was any worse than in the following three. The matches that I won, I was the more solid player on the day. All four matches that I lost were too strong opponents who all played some good tennis against me. In the first tournament, I lost a close match against Jana Fett, the second seed. I had multiple opportunities to close the match, including serving for it at 6-5 in the third set, but failed to do so. With a bit of luck maybe that match could've gone my way, and the outcome of all four tournaments at Nottingham could've been completely different.

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